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"Singing and dancing is quite tough, but she works hard to support Hikari and Mirai as the leader of the Rainbow Trio!
Even though she'll occasionally complain, she's almost always smiling and full of energy.
―Character Introduction[1]

Sora Hoshino is one of the characters from pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE, and the last character from the idol trio, Nijikko, to debut with her own song. She is first introduced as a cameo character in Hikari Nijino's Win animation in pop'n music 13 カーニバル. The name "Sora Hoshino", and her main debut was given 4 more games later.


Sora Hoshino is the leader of the Rainbow Trio.

Character Information

"In this sparkling kaleidoscopic world,
we want to fill our music and dances here.☆
―Lapistoria Character Introduction[2]

Finally, the position for each and every Nijikko member became brighter. Here's the leader Sora Hoshino!
Even though she's the most down-to-earth among the three, it looks like she often gets infuriated by their manager, all because they're still kids.

Right now, she mustered up her strength to dance for a PV-like tune. The GOOD and GREAT animations show her Change, but should she get some guidance? Afterwards, I'm satisfied that I wanted to try doing a full-on turnaround for the three girls!
Animating the girls dancing is difficult, but I felt really replenished completing the animation. It was tough, but I had fun!




In her debut in Pop'n Music 17 THE MOVIE, Sora has large upper ponytails with pink and aquamarine streaks (her streaks are also pink and blue in her early cameos). Her main attire is a white scarf and a blue and white dress. She has blue stockings with white-aquamarine boots. Her original color palette is confirmed again in ポリリズム, from the same game and kaleidoscopic in pop'n music ラピストリア.

Sora's 2P color palette gives her lightly pale violet hair with pink and honeydew streaks and orange eyes. the top of her dress is jade green, her bottom gradient is yellow, and her shoe highlights and wristbands share the manners of her streaks.

Other Appearances

Sora Hoshino gains a new costume, including a white hat with a black layer, a white, large shirt with a yellow sleeve on her right arm, a black layer underneath it with a matching choker, a light yellow wristband on her right, a skirt consisting of two more layers: one is the matching color of her sleeve and the other black with gray, thin stripes; and tacky legwarmers and shoes (the right leg has a yellow legwarmer with a white shoe and black sole, while the other is opposite, being a white warmer and a black shoe and white sole).


Pop'n Music 19 TUNE STREET Town Mode

Battle (Rainbow Trio)

Waa, I'm late, I'm late!! Mirai'll be
 so angry at me~!...Do you want
 to play Pop'n with me? At least then...
 I'll have an excuse for being late.

NET Self

Attack Ei! (えい! Ei!?)
Damage Ow! (いったー! Ittaa!?)
GOOD Play Uhee... (うへー・・・ Uhee...?)
BAD Play Wah! (んわぁ! Nwaa!?)
WIN Okay♪ (よっし♪ Yoshi♪?)
LOSE It's no use~ (ダメかぁ~ Dame kaa~?)



  • On Judy's gallery section from the pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ website, it seems that Sora's hair streaks are orange and chartreuse instead of pink and blue, like the Trio. She was going to be the core charcater for Run to You, but was replaced by Judy.
    • Sora makes her appearance in the next game to continue the pattern for each of the Nijikko member appearing two games later.
    • Speaking of the appearance pattern, it was shattered when Sora gets a new song in pop'n music ラピストリア.
  • Sora's birthdate is identical to Sigma's, Lithos', and Beartank's.
  • Despite of being the leader, Sora Hoshino is the last character to have her own debut song.
  • The three Nijikko members all have their surnames end with "no".
    • They also have mauve-colored eyes.


  • In Mirai Yumeno's Win animation, Sora's costume bores a reference to the popular Japanese magical girl character, Sailor Moon, especially her pose.


  • Sora makes cameos in two of her bandmates' animations:
  • She and Mirai Yumeno appear in Hiakri Nijino's DANCE and WIN animations. Her outfit matches Hikari's, but with a pink top and shoe soles. The hearts on her skirt matches her base hair color, and she wears red hairbands.
  • Sora and Hikari make cameos in Mirai Yumeno's OJAMA, LOSE, and WIN animations. Unlike Mirai's signature outfit, Sora is shown wearing a sky blue dress with three, white hearts on the center and matching fur sections on her neck and edge of her dress. She also have matching gloves, furry legwarmers, scrunchies, red, heart-shaped headset with microphone, and pink shoes with yellow soles.
  • Sora and the rest of the Nijikko members appear in Keigo★'s LOSE and WIN animations, along with Keigo★ himself, Erika, and Justice★. Mimi appears in his LOSE animation, while Nyami makes a cameo in his WIN animation.


  • Sora's name is is normally written as "そら". If converted to kanji (空), the name translates to sky
  • From the surname, "Hoshino" (星野?): "Hoshi" (?) translates to "star", while "no" (?) is roughly translated into "field". The two merge into "a field of stars".
  • If combining her name, Sora Hoshino literally means "a field of stars from the sky".





Concept Art


pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE characters
Default Roster
Returning Characters あっくん | BELLE | HAJIME | Kagome | KAJIKA | KANOKO | Kevin | KIRARA | Mimi | Nyami | YOSHIO
New Characters BEN-K | CHINATSU | ERIKA | Gere-Gere | KEIGO★ | MACHIKO | モニモニ~ | odile | PELO | PIROZHKI | Raimu | ROSEMARY | SORA HOSHINO | STAR☆NYAN | Tatin | TwinBee | Ur | WILD
Hidden CS Transplant Characters JUDY | MZD
Hidden CS Transplant Characters AKATSUKI | 武生
New Hidden Characters Kai&Zero
第1回 ポップン映画祭
Returning Characters AMETORI | FORCE | Grand Hammer | 壱ノ妙 | Murasaki | MZD | Roco*Moco
CS Transplant Characters eccnock girl | JAGUAR*B | モリー | Poet | ROCO | スーツ
New Characters Dr.FLASK | ELENOA | EMPRESS | GORGON | HAPPPY | 轟走 | 白鳥姫子 | 轟競 | Lyra | Mr.ICHIJO | QUITO | しま〜 | silent room | Sonar | STEVE | TRINITY

pop'n music ラピストリア characters
Default Roster
Returning Characters BLACK | DTO | ELENOA | FUGA | Goku-Sotsu-Kun | HIUMI | KANOKO | kaorin | MILK | miho | Mimi | nia | Nyami | RETSU | RINKA | risette | | Ryuta | SAN | SMOKE | stella | SUMIRE | *うさぬこ* | Zizz
New Characters GERHARD | Michiru | Rars | TAKUTO
ニコニコ動画 ぐるたみん | 松下
Aura Songs Characters iO-LOWER | ECLIPSE | Phantom
ひなビタ♪ Characters 和泉一舞 | 山形まり花 | 芽兎めう | 霜月凛 | 春日咲子
ときめきレストラン☆☆☆ Characters 伊達京也 | 霧島司
Returning Crossover Character GUMI
New Crossover Character ふなっしー
Story Mode Songs
Returning Characters Albireo | EITO | FUGA | HARA=HETTA | HIUMI | 壱ノ妙 | 育江 | Kagome | Mimi | Minit's | MZD | Nyami | RETSU | RINKA | Roki | ルート@超ドー研 | SORA HOSHINO | SYO | VENUS | Yuli
New Characters AKANE | Harpya | Jade | Jadeite | Kiryu | Lapis | Lapistoria | Lazuli | Madoka | MIYU | Nicolas | Suiri | TAIGA | toa | weiß | Wolfgang | YUZURU
Special Event Songs
ここなつ 東雲心菜 | 東雲夏陽
One Character Unlocks Poet | RETSU | SHISHITUGU
Returning Crossover Characters GUMI | navigator RASIS
発見!よみがえったBEMANI遺跡 2st | Ark | CHINATSU | echidna | KAGAMI | Maud | PAPYRUS
PONの運命浄化計画 Ash | fili | LENA | MZD
PONの運命浄化計画 (New Character) Ranma
New Crossover Characters あかどきょうのみこと | あおどきょうのみこと | BisCo
Touhou Characters 霧雨魔理沙 | 博麗霊夢
BEMANI SUMMER DIARY 2015 JUDY | Mimi | MZD | Nyami | しま~ | TRAN | Yima